13. 01. 2019 was a very special day for us. We joined a great action of collecting money for noble purposes during the 27th finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.

Preparations were in full swing, it was sometimes hard, sometimes at the last minute, but we succeeded. We were pushed forward by enthusiasm, our super team, and the goal of supporting fundraising, as well as education about the importance of training in life-saving skills. For us, this topic is very important and we are happy to bring such a valuable education into the world, with our unique, so different, 4 Help VR training.
We were in two cities
We were in two locations in Warsaw, at the heart of the events in the capital, and in Wrocław. In both places, although in such different situations, a lot of people came, we trained a lot of children, the interest grew. Our equipment worked all the time. The weather in Wrocław was not very good, but looking at the results and the satisfaction of the participants, we confirmed our conviction that the most important thing is the goal, intention and people, the rest, although at first glance unfavourable, does not matter.